Flow control explanation
Good morning, in this post, i'm going to resume an explanation about flow control in programming.
In computer science, control flow (or alternatively, flow of control) refers to the order in which the individual statements, instructions or function calls of an imperative or a declarative program are executed or evaluated.
Within an imperative programming language, a control flow statement is a statement whose execution results in a choice being made as to which of two or more paths should be followed. For non-strict functional languages, functions and language constructs exist to achieve the same result, but they are not necessarily called control flow statements.
The kinds of control flow statements supported by different languages vary, but can be categorized by their effect:
- continuation at a different statement (unconditional branch or jump),
- executing a set of statements only if some condition is met (choice - i.e., conditional branch),
- executing a set of statements zero or more times, until some condition is met (i.e., loop - the same as conditional branch),
- executing a set of distant statements, after which the flow of control usually returns (subroutines, coroutines, and continuations),
- stopping the program, preventing any further execution (unconditional halt).
A set of statements is in turn generally structured as a block, which in addition to grouping also defines a lexical scope.
Interrupts and signals are low-level mechanisms that can alter the flow of control in a way similar to a subroutine, but usually occur as a response to some external stimulus or event (that can occur asynchronously), rather than execution of an 'in-line' control flow statement.
At the level of machine or assembly language, control flow instructions usually work by altering the program counter. For some CPUs the only control flow instructions available are conditional or unconditional branch instructions (also called jumps).
A label is an explicit name or number assigned to a fixed position within the source code, and which may be referenced by control flow statements appearing elsewhere in the source code. Other than marking a position within the source code a label has no effect.
Line numbers are an alternative to a named label (and used in some languages such as Fortran and BASIC), that are whole numbers placed at the beginning of each line of text within the source code. Languages which use these often impose the constraint that the line numbers must increase in value in each subsequent line, but may not require that they be consecutive. For example, in BASIC:
10 LET X = 3
In other languages such as C and Ada a label is an identifier, usually appearing at the beginning of a line and immediately followed by a colon. For example, in C:
Success: printf("The operation was successful.\n");
The Algol 60 language allowed both whole numbers and identifiers as labels (both attached by colons to the following statement), but few if any other variants of Algol allowed whole numbers.
The goto statement (a combination of the English words go and to, and pronounced accordingly) is the most basic form of unconditional transfer of control.
Although the keyword may either be in upper or lower case depending on the language, it is usually written as:
goto label
The effect of a goto statement is to cause the next statement to be executed to be the statement appearing at (or immediately after) the indicated label.
Goto statements have been considered harmful by many computer scientists, notably Dijkstra.
The terminology for subroutines varies; they may alternatively be known as routines, procedures, functions (especially if they return results) or methods (especially if they belong to classes or type classes).
In the 1950s, computer memories were very small by current standards so subroutines were used primarily to reduce program size; a piece of code was written once and then used many times from various other places in the program.
Nowadays, subroutines are more frequently used to help make a program that is more structured, e.g. by isolating some particular algorithm or hiding some particular data access method. If many programmers are working on a single program, subroutines are one kind of modularity that can help split up the work.
Minimal structured control flow
In May 1966, Böhm and Jacopini published an article in Communications of the ACM which showed that any program with gotos could be transformed into a goto-free form involving only choice (IF THEN ELSE) and loops (WHILE condition DO xxx), possibly with duplicated code and/or the addition of Boolean variables (true/false flags). Later authors have shown that choice can be replaced by loops (and yet more Boolean variables).
The fact that such minimalism is possible does not necessarily mean that it is desirable; after all, computers theoretically only need one machine instruction (subtract one number from another and branch if the result is negative), but practical computers have dozens or even hundreds of machine instructions.
What Böhm and Jacopini's article showed was that all programs could be goto-free. Other research showed that control structures with one entry and one exit were much easier to understand than any other form, primarily because they could be used anywhere as a statement without disrupting the control flow. In other words, they were composable. (Later developments, such as non-strict programming languages - and more recently, composable software transactions - have continued this line of thought, making components of programs even more freely composable.)
Some academics took a purist approach to the Böhm-Jacopini result and argued that even instructions like break and return from the middle of loops are bad practice as they are not needed in the Böhm-Jacopini proof, and thus they advocated that all loops should have a single exit point. This purist approach is embodied in the Pascal programming language (designed in 1968–1969), which up to the mid-1990s was the preferred tool for teaching introductory programming in academia. The direct application of the Böhm-Jacopini theorem may result in additional local variables being introduced in the structured chart, and may also result in some code duplication. The latter issue is called the loop and a half problem in this context. Pascal is affected by both of these problems and according to empirical studies cited by Eric S. Roberts, student programmers had difficulty formulating correct solutions in Pascal for several simple problems, including writing a function for searching an element in an array. A 1980 study by Henry Shapiro cited by Roberts found that using only the Pascal-provided control structures, the correct solution was given by only 20% of the subjects, while no subject wrote incorrect code for this problem if allowed to write a return from the middle of a loop.
If-then-(else) statements
Conditional expressions and conditional constructs are features of a programming language which perform different computations or actions depending on whether a programmer-specified boolean condition evaluates to true or false.
- IF..GOTO. A form found in unstructured languages, mimicking a typical machine code instruction, would jump to (GOTO) a label or line number when the condition was met.
- IF..THEN..(ENDIF). Rather than being restricted to a jump, any simple statement, or nested block, could follow the THEN key keyword. This a structured form.
- IF..THEN..ELSE..(ENDIF). As above, but with a second action to be performed if the condition is false. This is one of the most common forms, with many variations. Some require a terminal ENDIF, others do not. C and related languages do not require a terminal keyword, or a 'then', but do require parentheses around the condition.
Conditional statements can be and often are nested inside other conditional statements. Some languages allow ELSE and IF to be combined into ELSEIF, avoiding the need to have a series of ENDIF or other final statements at the end of a compound statement.
A loop is a sequence of statements which is specified once but which may be carried out several times in succession. The code "inside" the loop (the body of the loop, shown below as xxx) is obeyed a specified number of times, or once for each of a collection of items, or until some condition is met, or indefinitely.
In functional programming languages, such as Haskell and Scheme, loops can be expressed by using recursion or fixed point iteration rather than explicit looping constructs. Tail recursion is a special case of recursion which can be easily transformed to iteration.
Count-controlled loops
Most programming languages have constructions for repeating a loop a certain number of times. Note that if N is less than 1 in these examples then the language may specify that the body is skipped completely, or that the body is executed just once with N = 1. In most cases counting can go downwards instead of upwards and step sizes other than 1 can be used.
Infinite loops
Infinite loops are used to assure a program segment loops forever or until an exceptional condition arises, such as an error. For instance, an event-driven program (such as a server) should loop forever, handling events as they occur, only stopping when the process is terminated by an operator.
Often, an infinite loop is unintentionally created by a programming error in a condition-controlled loop, wherein the loop condition uses variables that never change within the loop.